Posts in Higher education
Have we lost our sense of purpose with blended learning?

Sometimes it feels as though UK higher education likes creating reports on blended learning just as much as Warner Brother’s liked making Police Academy films. The latest in the franchise is the cross-party think tank Policy Connect's report “Digitally enhanced blended learning”, a title that, with a few more keywords stuffed in, would compel us all to shout “house!”.

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Has UK higher education moved closer to a blended learning model?

I wonder if you remember the higher education discourse of 2020 and 2021. One aspect of it that sticks in my memory is the almost incessant talk about modalities, whether that be online, blended, hybrid or hyflex. The focus also extended beyond just the range of modalities and included the future trajectory for the primary teaching modality in higher education.

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What can higher education learn from four nascent online education developments?

January has been a challenging month for those seeking positive news about UK higher education. The news has been full of stories of financial crises, fears of what would happen if a higher education institution (HEI) goes under and jolly topics like fraud in franchised provision. It’s clear the UK higher education sector is in a bad way.

Many HEIs are compelled to undertake a variety of measures to tackle the severe challenges they now face. This involves exploring either new markets or those in which they have not previously been active in.

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Short courses on trial...

If you've been following UK higher education policy, you'll know that a change to the student finance system is set to take place in 2025 with the introduction of the Lifelong Loan Entitlement (LLE). This is how the government describes the change:

“From 2025, the lifelong loan entitlement will provide individuals with a loan entitlement to the equivalent of 4 years of post-18 education to use over their lifetime. It will be available for both modular and full-time study at higher technical and degree levels (levels 4 to 6), regardless of whether they are provided in colleges or universities.”

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Higher educationNeil Mosley
2023 Wrapped: Online education within UK higher education

As we approach the end of the year, I want to share some reflections on the past year as it relates to online education within UK higher education.

AI has dominated this year's higher education headlines, and the impressive emergence of AI in mainstream products is this year's standout story. However, the focus on AI in higher education has felt overdone at times, to the extent that one would be forgiven for thinking that nothing else happened this year.

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Is the university education model forever changed?

If you were to think back to before the pandemic, how would you describe the mode of teaching and study most reflective of what happens in our universities? At the risk of adding to the terminology around modality - I’d describe it as digitally-facilitated - in that the experience was not one in which digital technologies were omitted, but one in which they played a largely supplementary role.

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Higher educationNeil Mosley