Providing expert consultancy to higher education providers in online learning, learning design, and education technology.
Online learning
I support clients to develop and improve online distance education portfolios and operations. Services include strategy development, market research, assessing readiness, advising on implementation, creating efficiencies, and addressing challenges.
Learning design
I assist clients in establishing and enhancing learning design approaches and processes. Services include process and methodology development, creating design materials, quality assurance, enhancement and review and professional coaching.
I support clients looking to understand, review or analyse the edtech market, products and companies. Services include research reports on market dynamics, analysis of specific products, and reviews of edtech trends.
I frequently deliver keynotes at national and international conferences and events, both in-person and online. Topics including online distance learning, digital education, education technology and learning design.

About me
I am an education and management consultant who has years of experience working at the intersection of strategy, design, learning and digital technology in the education sector.
I provide a wide range of support, analysis and advisory services to clients that include universities, colleges, companies, arts & cultural organisations, professional bodies and other education providers.