
Online learning Neil Mosley Online learning Neil Mosley

How effective are OPMs in scaling online international student numbers?

While it is certainly the case that many UK universities lack the capability and experience to enter and successfully operate in online student markets, it is also worth questioning the ability of all OPM companies to achieve significant online international student recruitment goals. As such, it is worth exploring the data and track records of OPMs in genuinely scaling up online international student recruitment.

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EdTech Neil Mosley EdTech Neil Mosley

UK Higher Education VLE Market: 2024 Review

This year has been something of a paradox for the VLE market in UK higher education. While there has been plenty to report on within the big four companies that dominate this market, there have been barely any major changes by universities regarding which virtual learning environment (VLE) they use.

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Online learning Neil Mosley Online learning Neil Mosley

2024 Wrapped: Online learning in UK higher education

2024 has been another year of increasing focus on online learning from UK universities. This has been reflected in the increasing number of partnerships with online education companies and the growth of online degrees, sub-degree courses, and portfolios. All of this points towards intensifying competition for a market that does not show clear evidence of rapid or substantial short-term growth.

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Online learning Neil Mosley Online learning Neil Mosley

Could collaborative online provision offer benefits to UK universities?

If we combine the financial challenges many universities in the sector are currently facing with the ambitions many have to develop online provision, then we face a challenge. Which is that if you want to grow an online learning portfolio, your number of online students, and compete with other providers, this entails investment—and not just investment, but smart investment.

However, there are other routes to consider that might in some way help mitigate the effects of financial challenges and also aid the development of online provision. One that I’m interested in seeing more universities explore is the sharing of online elective modules across institutions.

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EdTech Neil Mosley EdTech Neil Mosley

Reflections on D2L Connection Europe 2024

So far this year has not been awash with UK universities looking to switch VLEs, but I expect there to be more movement next year. The coming year and the decisions that some UK universities make around new VLE implementation will be the true test of different VLE company strategies. But it would not surprise me to see Brightspace being adopted by more UK universities and continuing the momentum experienced in recent years.

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Online learning Neil Mosley Online learning Neil Mosley

Does online learning in India present a growth opportunity for UK universities?

There has been positive news for UK higher education and its potential to reach the Indian higher education market. The establishment of branch campuses and moves to gain recognition for UK distance learning degrees are steps in the right direction. However, one lingering question remains: what realistic opportunity does online learning present for transnational student growth in India?

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Online learning Neil Mosley Online learning Neil Mosley

What's the current state of online learning in Wales' universities

What is largely evident across Welsh universities is a general lack of an institutional strategy and cohesive, university-wide approaches to online learning. While there are many online degrees developed in an ad-hoc and fragmented manner within specific faculties, there is no clear indication that universities have coordinated, strategic, institution-level approaches to online education.

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EdTech Neil Mosley EdTech Neil Mosley

Reflections on CanvasCon Europe 2024

In the UK, Instructure is best known for Canvas, their virtual learning environment (VLE) product. As I’ve reported in my annual VLE market analysis, recent years have seen Instructure build significant momentum in the UK, with a growing market share as a steady stream of UK higher education institutions (HEIs) switch to Canvas. They have been the most, if not the only, successful player in this market recently, with Canvas being implemented across small, medium, and large HEIs.

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Online learning Neil Mosley Online learning Neil Mosley

Are Russell Group universities embracing the opportunities of online learning?

Of all the various groupings of UK higher education institutions (HEIs) with representative bodies, the most prestigious is the research-intensive, highly ranked Russell Group. This group largely comprises the UK universities that consistently rank the highest internationally among UK HEIs and possess some of the biggest and strongest brands of all UK universities.

This gives them a strong and advantageous position to attract prospective online students. However, in general, elite, prestigious universities have not always had the strongest relationship with online distance education.

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Online learning Neil Mosley Online learning Neil Mosley

Are UK universities overlooking online education to better serve students?

institutions that have sought to really understand the needs of today's students and not simply tinkered at the edges but changed more significantly feel like outliers.

While the financial pressures being experienced by UK HEIs are real and need to be addressed, there may come a time when it is not a lack of money that precipitates a slide into decline, but a lack of understanding your audience and changing what you do as a result.

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OPMs Neil Mosley OPMs Neil Mosley

How are OPMs changing the UK’s online degree landscape?

If you work at a UK higher education institution (HEI), I wonder what you think is a good annual recruitment target for a postgraduate master’s degree? There is quite a range of cohort sizes for these degrees, with some institutions recruiting as little as five students annually and others over a hundred.

UK HEIs offer a wide variety of postgraduate degrees across different subjects, with a steadily increasing number of interdisciplinary degrees also being offered. Inevitably, demand for degrees across the spectrum can and will vary significantly.

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